

October 3, 2011

Ch.6 Consumer Decision Making

The Adidas label is recognized world wide and appeals especially to those who are brand conscious or particular about using quality products. Understanding consumer behavior and the way they think are extremely import factors to consider before putting your product out on the market. Understanding Consumers first comes with the task of identifying what is known as a 'Need Recognition'.  Through research Adidas is able to understand and identify the needs of its consumers thus offering a wide range of products distributed internationally that caters to those needs. No matter what the product maybe, Adidas ensures that all products are made to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers.

Consumer wants and need are not the only factors that Adidas considers. Culture and values are also taken in consideration by Adidas. Cultural backgrounds influence the Consumer Decision Making process because consumers of a distinct background tend to have similar needs and identical consumption patterns.  It is Adidas' job to adapt to the various surrounding and to ever evolving and changing needs of  consumer.

Adidas tries to take considerations of all these factors because once they appeal to the different stimuli it makes the consumer decision making process even easier.

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