

November 21, 2011

Ch. 8 Segmenting and Targeting Markets

Standing as one of the most versatile companies in the world Adidas is not subjected to limited markets of any kind. Big enough to have a web of readily available products eagerly anticipating the attack of our marketing mix. Adidas has its hand on almost every person on the planet as far as potential consumers; producing products that fit almost every demographic possible. Adidas takes a very cerebral approach to who their target market is and how it is marketed to them.
Adidas uses common strategies for segmenting various markets. From a geographical standpoint Adidas uses a tactic referred to as geographic marketing. Geographic marketing allows Adidas to market specific products to certain places throughout the world. For example Adidas soccer cleat commercials and ads are seen more in europe as opposed to america because soccer isn't as popular or as publicized in The United States as european and other external countries.

The most successful and most applied segmentation strategy used has been psychographic segmentation, which appeals to our personalities, attitudes, motives, and even our lifestyles. For Adidas to aim is to not only appeal to the younger generation but even to baby boomers as well. With the use of demographic variables such as age and loaction Adidas is able to segment their approach to different target markets with ease. Age segmentation is crucially important as it allows Adidas to market products to people of the right age group. Like most active and performance gear brands emphasis is mainly placed on marketing to the younger generation as individuals who are younger tend to be more increasingly active then people of older age. Adidas seems to have gender somewhat evenly marketed, the only thing that may tip the scale is that adidas' mainstream sporting products are made and marketed for a male dominated crowd, I wonder what made them believe that women dont like football,baseball and basketball too.

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